Thank you for your interest in FATWHEELS!

We are excited to get to know you better and help you find the best solution for your customers/clients' cycling needs.

Please fill out this form & submit it. We will set up your wholesale account profile and contact you within 1-2 business days to let you know that it has been activated.

Thank you for your interest in FATWHEELS - we look forward to connecting with you soon.

Create Your Profile

Company Name?
Contact Name?
Company Address?
Federal Tax ID Number?
Number of Locations?
How Did You Find Out About Us?

Create Your Login and Password

You will use this Login and Password information to enter your orders online once your profile is finalized.

Login e-mail address?(this must be in the form of an e-mail address)

In order to streamline your orders please provide your credit card information.

Name on card
Card number
Expiry date (mm/yr)
Security code
Billing address of the card including state and zip

Your dealer request will be reviewed our Sales support staff. You should expect to hear from someone within 12-24 hours.

We appreciate your inquiry.

Please enter the following code into the box provided: